Sunday, November 30, 2008


Today on the subway, a man came on pushing a decorated cart. I assumed, correctly, it was performer and continued listening to my This American Life podcast. But when I realized he wasn't orating, singing or playing an instrument I glanced over: he was performing magic tricks. I've always loved the kitsch of magicians. I find their illusions at once both hilarious (G.O.B. on Arrested Development encouraged this idea) and fascinating. In Elementary School, Dana had a magic kit and we spent many hours reading through and practicing the tricks. This man on the train was slightly more advanced than I ever became. He was by far one of the most entertaining performers I've seen on the subway. He did about 9 quick tricks (illusions!) between the 1st Ave. and Bedford stops. One involved a dove and the other had a disappearing rabbit. It was fun to see everyone smile and, in the end, open their wallets. If nothing else, the man deserved a few bucks just for juggling live animals on a moving subway: no small feat.

1 comment:

Dana Lee said...

I really miss that magic set; I remember playing with the small foam rabbits that were supposed to be pulled out of a trick. There were also disappearing cups, which were fascinating.